Monday, November 22, 2010

Mosh pits in Japan

Mosh pits is not normally assoicated with Japan.  Mosh pitting is associated more with American and European rock concerts.  But during the Kansai Gaidai festival, I saw and experienced what you may call the Japanese.  These little mosh pits were very spontaneous and lasted for maybe a minute or so.  The crowd started picking people up and throwing them in the air and catching them.

Another thing the crowd did was lock arms and jump up and down in place.  Now, in most rock concerts the jumping up and down while throwing up the devil horns is normal.  But the locking arms is probably only found in Japan and not at any heavy metal and rock concert in America or Europe.  In America you would see mosh pits like in the pictures below.

These pictures were taken at Ozzfest 2007.  The big crowd shot, if you look carefully, there is a huge circle pit.  While the picture below was of a mosh pit I was about to join.  At the festival, I had an urge to start a miny and somewhat less subdued mosh pit.  But even at that, I felt that I may have hurt someone if I really got into it.  I would be very interested in finding a local heavy metal concert to really see what mosh pits are like here in Japan instead of hypothesizing about what they actually may be like.

1 comment:

  1. I think one could probably find mosh pits at certain specialized events in Japan. But Japanese concerts in general are very different than those in America (for example). I went to a charity rock concert over the weekend and people were complaining that others were standing. Finally the attendants went around and asked everybody to sit down. No dancing allowed. But before the next song the band asked everyone to stand, which they politely did, of course.
